Wenta exclusive burner pot with water circulation.
Corrugated furnace, bow mirrored scotch boiler.
Perfectly compatible with pre-cooker and soot steam boiler.
Full automatic combustion air fan and chimney fan with inverter.
It is designed and produced in accordance with Loyd regulations, DIN and EN norms; optionally with Loyd and TÜV Hydraulic Test Certificates.
The main plate components are produced with DIN 17155 material, and the materials used in the manufacturing are origin and quality certificated.
Our boiler pipes are seamless steel extrusion high pressure specialized boiler pipes by DIN 17175 - 2448 norms.
ISO 9001 quality systems that form the basis of our quality system, have been selected as design/development production/plant and service quality management model.
It is equipped with an environmentally sensitive particle holder silicon.
It has the option of burning liquid or gas fuel via mounting burner on it.
It burns all kind of solid fuels such as lignite, powder coal (0,5-30 mm), hazelnut shell and apricot seed with high yield.
Since it provides a complete combustion without smoke, it puts the system in regime in a very short time.
It is environmentally friendly, highly efficient and very easy to operate.
Manufactured in desired capacity, it is easily installed in existing boilers.
It is the best solution for high capacities where manual loading is difficult.
Eliminates human-induced burning errors.
In steam boilers, thanks to its high performance, it makes it possible to achieve the desired capacity.
The control of the system in steam boilers is done by pressurestat; steam pressure halts when the desired value is reached, it is reactivated as the pressure decreases. By this way, unnecessary fuel burning is prevented.
The burning pot is water circulated.
Low number of moving parts of the system reduces the possibility of malfunction.
The burner pot is made of a special high temperature resistant plate.
Installation and commissioning of the system is carried out by our expert teams.
At our system;
Steam pressure, pot temperature, front furnace temperature, inlet steam collector, stack gas temperature are being controlled electronically and can be consistently monitored digitally.
Above mentioned devices are connected to each other as safety chains. In this way, the risk of going out of water for our boiler is reduced to zero.
We also have alarm and locking systems.
All the pumps can be monitored via the panel with diagrams such as economizer.(This system has been highly appreciated by our customers as a contemporary system.)
Combustion air is stack fan inventor controlled, thus the combustion can be completely controlled and min-max and nominal combustion are provided fully automatically with a single button.
This system is only available in WENTA MACHINE.
Excellent superheater and equipments, designed by WENTA MAKINA for special purposes.
Designed especially for COAL BRIQUETTE FACILITIES, it allows production of continuous steam at 240°C temperature thus the production becomes homogeneous.
By getting steam at the temperature of 170°C with 6 bar of pressure from a separate collector for molasses tank, roll press etc. it allows using steam at different pressure and temperature levels (while the superheater gets steam at 240°C temperature).
This system was also welcomed by our customers.
The superheated steam temperature is always constant and provides an excellent comfort in production.
Our References:
Saitoğulları Safi Coal (Gebze, Turkey)
Ece/Polat Mining (Konya, Turkey)